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Contact Us

  • The company's managerial offices, which are the only offices that receive customers, are located in Beit HaYatzranim, Yad Harutzim 19, Talpiyot, Jerusalem.
  • The main entrance for customers is from HaTnufa 8, on the left side of Mizrahi Tfahot Bank.
  • The company's offices are divided into offices on the second floor of the building.
  • Manegerial Offices, Yad Harutzim 19, Beit HaYatzranim, Jerusalem. P.O. 53066.
  • Postal Code: 3153001
  • Phone Number: 02-673-7780
  • Ext. 0: Price Quotes.
  • Ext. 1: Ride Organizations Department.
  • Ext. 2: Accounting Department.
  • Ext. 3: Sales Department, Car Sales.
  • Ext. 4: Vehicle Department, Safety Officer.
  • Ext. 5: Procurement and Communications Department.
  • Fax: 02-673-7790
  • Email: [email protected]

For a free consultation contact us or send us a message in Whatsapp